Some people will argue about anything. Like what was in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction. Did it matter *THAT* much? I didn't think so, but after about two weeks of arguing in, I had to tell of my psychic encounter with one of Tarantino's future selves, and what he told me...


From: (Simon Travaglia)
Subject: Re: Briefcase Glow and Postmodern app..
Date: 15 Jan 1995 18:45:15 GMT
Organization: The University of Waikato

Dan Vassily (71333.1527@CompuServe.COM) wrote:
: Personally I believe the Golden glow from the briefcase was some
: Religious/Mystic/Supernatural Icon of some sort. The only thing I
: have to base this on is that 2 times that the case is opened is

Ok, seeing as everyone just has to know, I'll tell you what was in the briefcase in PF.

It was A, SINGULAR, packet of chicklets. Unopened. (It it had been opened, they
would be all over the place, and Pumkin would have said 'they're beautiful', not it's

Who could have guessed that Pumpkin was a chicklet fan?

Now, other pointers in the plot are Keitel's character, Mr Wolf. As everyone
knows, wolves like chickens, so it was probably luck that he didn't know what
was in the breifcase.

Brett etc were having breakfast and were obviously going to have chicklets for 
afters, which is why Vince and Jules got there so early in the morning, before
they could eat them for brekky.
But that's not all.

Vega, from the old mexican, means 'Bag of Chicklets', and Tarantino has a latin
root of Tar, as in Tarry, which means waste a fuck of a lot of time doing 
bugger all, which is what the newsgroup does 80% of the time.

Also, In Reservior Dogs, the hearse in the back of the meeting place had bags 
and bags of chicklets in it, only you can't see them because they're all 
covered up, except that they used the word 'diamonds' to denote chicklets and
'jewelry store' to denote 'convenience store'.

As we all know, in natural born killers, the convenience store played a major 
part in the character's lifestyle as do conveniences in Tarantino's work.

Which leads me to believe that Tarantino is, in fact, a space alien with three
testicles and probably has a trunk full of chicklets and headless dead bodies,
which, incidentally is why marvin had to go, because he was going to say he was
hungry and wanted some chicklets, so he got a lead sandwhich (still on the 
eating theme note) for his trouble.

Note however, that all this is mega-subtle and that Tarantino avoids any 
mention of the words 'chicklet' or 'computer-weiner with nothing better to 
do'. That's so cool.

Lastly, in True Romance, NEITHER of the lead characters mentions chicklets. 
AND In the movie CHIKamatsu Monogatari (A five star japanese film that 
tarantino would have had access to in his video shop days) the director has 
the SAME number of letters in his last name as Tarantino, who is the director 
of PF?

Sound scary? Just wait:

CHICory is a root used as a coffee substitute, which brings us back to 
Tarantino and the connoisseur coffee, which everyone commented about.

I can't believe no-one spotted all this before...